P.S. If you wanna see up to date pictures from our trip, or if you wanna just see all my photos, follow me on Instagram! My username is iwanttobeaham.
P.S. If you wanna see up to date pictures from our trip, or if you wanna just see all my photos, follow me on Instagram! My username is iwanttobeaham.
Dear Cancelled Meetings, it would be quite stellar if I could have some notice about your cancelled status. It stinks putting everything on hold to attend the meeting only to find out I was not informed it was cancelled.
Dear Exercise/Walking, you really don't seem so daunting when I am walking with a friend. Thanks for being actually enjoyable! And for helping me to feel good and start looking better.
Dear Life, I am thoroughly enjoying you! Thank you for having lots of fun things going on to keep me happy and preoccupied. It has been a blast spending time with people I love and getting some craft time in there, too!
Dear Blog, sorry you've been neglected lately, but see above. I've been too busy enjoying life away from the computer that I haven't had time for you.
Dear Hair, thank you for cooperating today! I had a feeling you would be atrocious today but you're not and I appreciate that!
Dear Weather, thanks for being so delightful these past few days! I've thoroughly enjoyed the warm temperatures. Please stick around and stay just as you are. And please don't add any humidity. *if only!*
Dear Allergies, go away. You stink. That is all.
Dear Atlantic Beach, just 5 more days until we are reunited. Oh how I can't wait! So, so excited to spend our anniversary in your wonderful little area. Thanks for being off-season so it won't be so crowded! See you soon, my love!
Love, Cindy
“Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee: ‘The Son of Man must be delivered over to the hands of sinners, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.’"
Luke 24:5-7
Pretty Easter flowers that Collin and I bought through our church. Can't wait to plant the bulbs in the fall!
I love the amazing contrast in this photo. Dark clouds vs. sunlight. It's just amazing.
We defintely had a good weekend. And Sunday after church we spent the afternoon eating yummy food and spending time with my extended family. Then in the evening we played frisbee golf with Justin and Molly and then went home and played Quelf with Collin's parents. So much fun! I think they really enjoyed the game and laughed lots like us. I think the highlight of the evening was Collin's dad having to belly dance but yet his Roolz card prohibited from having any arms so he looked soooo silly! Oh my gosh we laughed SO hard. Good, good times. =D
How was your Easter? I hope it was as fun and meaningful as ours was! I'm still so blown away by the love God has for me. And every year Easter just reminds me ten fold of the great love of the Father. Amazing!!
Dear Hulu+, I enjoy you. You let me watch current episodes of my favorite shows on my TV without having to have cable and that is fantastic. But why have you been acting up lately? I don't like having my picture freeze on me several times in one episode. It would be nice if you could fix it, please.
Dear wind, thank you for finally going away. You overstayed your welcome by about 6 days. I didn't mind you the first day. It was kind of nice having a breeze but staying around for a week, not cool. Especially since you brought us colder temperatures.
Dear pretty new tennis shoes, thank you for being so pink and cheery. You make exercising more fun. And thank you for being so lightweight and comfy!
Dear iPhone, I know I have expressed my love for you numerous times, but I still love you immensely. You are so good for me.
Dear Collin, I love you. Thank you for being so thoughtful and loving to me. Even during those times where I'm being a butt.
Dear Wal-Mart, thank you for your low prices. They make buying groceries not so daunting. But I still hate the way you treat your employees and I hate the schedule you give my husband. Cut us some slack. Collin is the best Tire & Lube Express technician you've got out there! Treat him like it.
Dear stamping, I am so glad that we found one another. You are perfect for me. I love sending cards and I love that you allow me to make my own. And that they are great! And you are so much fun!
Dear Atlantic Beach, we will be seeing each other soon. 19 days to be exact! And I could not be more excited. I anticipate our reunion with much excitement! Together let's make this a great anniversary vacation!
Love, Cindy
This past weekend was pretty great! Friday I spent the afternoon with my friend Jeannie shopping and having a grand ole time. Then later that evening Collin and I went to Jeff and Jeannie's house for a game, dessert, and a movie. So much fun! I love spending time with those two. Saturday included chores and my cousin's son's birthday party of which I'll share pictures later this week. I can't believe little Jude is already a year old! He's such a sweetie! Then Sunday we had church which was great and we got to go to brunch with our friends, Rick and Lorenda, whom we've been trying to get together with for a long time and it was delightful and delicious! Then we went to my parent's house for the afternoon where I took these pictures and we played a game with my mom. Then we had youth group and did an egg hunt with the kids which was so much fun and a total hit with them! Loved it!! So yes, very fun weekend if I do say so myself!
Now for pictures!
The fun thing about these tulips at my parent's house is that I helped my mom plant the bulbs a few years ago. So it's neat to see the fruits of my labor! My favorite tulips are the peachy/coral colored ones. Though my favorite picture from yesterday is by far the shot of the inside of the yellow and red one. I was so excited that it turned out so well!
So did you have a good weekend? What did you get to do? I'd love to hear about it!