Dear Cancelled Meetings, it would be quite stellar if I could have some notice about your cancelled status. It stinks putting everything on hold to attend the meeting only to find out I was not informed it was cancelled.
Dear Exercise/Walking, you really don't seem so daunting when I am walking with a friend. Thanks for being actually enjoyable! And for helping me to feel good and start looking better.
Dear Life, I am thoroughly enjoying you! Thank you for having lots of fun things going on to keep me happy and preoccupied. It has been a blast spending time with people I love and getting some craft time in there, too!
Dear Blog, sorry you've been neglected lately, but see above. I've been too busy enjoying life away from the computer that I haven't had time for you.
Dear Hair, thank you for cooperating today! I had a feeling you would be atrocious today but you're not and I appreciate that!
Dear Weather, thanks for being so delightful these past few days! I've thoroughly enjoyed the warm temperatures. Please stick around and stay just as you are. And please don't add any humidity. *if only!*
Dear Allergies, go away. You stink. That is all.
Dear Atlantic Beach, just 5 more days until we are reunited. Oh how I can't wait! So, so excited to spend our anniversary in your wonderful little area. Thanks for being off-season so it won't be so crowded! See you soon, my love!
Love, Cindy
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