Back from New Year's Eve 2009 when Collin DJed a Rave at our church!
1. For some reason unbeknownst to me, Collin can eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch every day. He did it for practically nine months while working at Cheseldine Tire & Auto before he got his current job.
2. Collin really enjoys playing video games. The Metal Gear Solid video game series is definitely his favorite, though. It's got a great story to it!
3. When it comes to learning music, all Collin has to do is hear a song once or twice and he can figure out EXACTLY what the notes are on his guitar (or piano, bass, etc.)

4. Collin was in Boy Scouts growing up. He was close to becoming an Eagle Scout but his troop here in MD wasn't very motivating and he aged out before he got it. =( He's as capable as any Eagle Scout though!!
5. Collin is a master at making pancakes! He spent weeks finding the perfect recipe and figuring out how to cook them perfectly. I'm glad! They're so yummy!
6. When we go to Cracker Barrel, unless he orders breakfast, he always orders Chicken Fried Chicken with green beans, mac and cheese and applesauce with a Sweet Tea to drink. Creature of habit much? =)
7. Collin loves watching movies and quotes movies/TV shows all the time. It's amazing how he can remember the lines!
8. If I had to pick a favorite TV show of his, it would be hard! He enjoys many shows, mostly comedies. But he's currently re-watching Scrubs and Arrested Development, and he really enjoys watching Psych and Modern Family. Oh and The Walking Dead but that's not a comedy. =)
9. His frisbee golf skills continue to amaze me! He can throw those discs so far it's incredible! I'm glad that he doesn't mind playing with me.
10. Collin really enjoys being "green". He's very conscious about recycling and using CFL bulbs. One day I just know we'll have solar panels!
11. When it comes to pets, Collin loves our kitties as much as I do! But I know he does want a dog one day. Hopefully we'll be able to get one eventually!

12. I am continually impressed with Collin's handiness. He fixes things and usually in such ingenious ways! And he even built a really nice cat tree for our babies with his dad.
13. Collin doesn't really enjoy having his picture taken, but he puts up with it for me!
14. He is quite possibly one of the smartest people I know! Collin can learn and remember just about anything and he always seems to know how things work or why something is the way it is.
15. In that same vein, Collin is filled with lots of random knowledge and trivia.
16. When Collin was born he was practically a full month late! He weighed 10 pounds 3 ounces and was 23 inches long! Today he is 6'2"! Guess being a big baby really was foreshadowing!
17. Despite his "heavy" weight as a newborn, Collin is really skinny now! No matter what he eats he just doesn't seem to gain any weight! Though when he exercises he gains muscle weight.
18. Collin isn't really a fan of store bought/bakery cakes. Though if the cake is homemade (even if from a box) he'll eat it right up!
19. A big pet peeve of Collin's is when driving and he sees someone pass on the right on a solid white line. He's threatened to have a squirt bottle at the ready in his car and when someone passes him on the right (like if he's turning left or someone in front of him is), squirting the car passing as a "warning" of sort. Haha!
20. Collin loves to travel and go on adventures. It works out perfectly because I do, too!
21. He also doesn't mind going to fun little festivals or just walking around "downtown" with me and exploring. Sometimes I think his favorite days are ones where we just enjoy each other's company while walking around. Those are my favorite, too!

22. Collin loves roller coasters! He loves the thrill of feeling like your stomach is in your throat and the excitement of going really fast and looping all around!
23. Collin isn't really a sports fan. He doesn't regularly watch games, though being at a game is fun for him. However, he did play PeeWee football as a kid and he was on the golf team at his high school in North Carolina!
24. Collin loves it when I play with his hair. Though he keeps it rather short, he loves when I rub my hands through it and lightly scratch his scalp.
25. When Collin gets mad about something, or if something is bothering him, even once he's over it, it still takes him a while to get over it. Like if we're arguing about something, once it's resolved, he needs a little bit of time to go back to "normal". He has to decompress a little, I suppose.
26. For several years Collin gave up soda for Lent. Then one year he gave up both soda and tea! This year he gave up chocolate which he said was by far the hardest. However, the year he gave up soda and tea, after Lent was over he decided he was only going to drink caffeine free sodas from then on. It's been hard on him, especially because Dr. Pepper is his favorite and they don't sell the caffeine free version around our area!
27. Bad grammar is another pet peeve of Collin's. I think the thing that bugs him most is then vs than or too and to. Good thing I know the difference. ;)

Collin being goofy. He loves him some Nerf!
I love my birthday boy so much and I hope that it was fun for you guys to learn a little bit more about him! He's such an awesome guy and I hope that everyone can love him, too!
Did we play a game at your bridal shower at LPU where you had to know a list of facts about Collin or his preferences and every time one was wrong you had to chew another piece of bubble gum or something silly?
ReplyDeleteOur husbands are the same age :) I LOVED this sweet post!
ReplyDeleteHappy belated Birthday, Collin!!