Friday, July 26, 2013

5 Fact Friday

I couldn't be any happier that it is Friday! I am so, so excited for this weekend. My grandma gets into town in about four hours! =D I haven't seen her since October and I'm really looking forward to her visit this year. Plus, my mom's side of the family is having their family reunion this weekend, Collin and I have 4 performance of Hairspray this weekend, and it's the last of the performances, too. It's going to be a BUSY weekend but next weekend will make up for it (mostly) since I'm taking Thursday off to spend the day with Gramma Bonnie and it gives me a 4-day weekend since next Friday is CWS! Woo! I love when things like that work out. =) Now onto my five facts for today! I love joining Nancy in this link up. It's fun learning new facts about some of your blogger friends!

1. This week was a "dark" week for the play. It was also Vacation Bible School at our church. However, I purposefully didn't volunteer this year since last week and weekend were so crazy with Summerstock rehearsals and then performances. I felt a little guilty saying no to VBS but it was the best decision. This week of having no plans during the evenings has been just the break I needed before the performances again this weekend.

2. I am really excited about the prospect of jet skiing sometime within the next week and a half. I haven't been on a jet ski since Summer 2011 and I miss it!

3. Last Saturday I wanted to take some pictures of flowers around our apartment. I got so frustrated with my camera that I ended up finding the manual and reading how to use the different settings on it. I should have done that much sooner.

4. I had that pretty hydrangea blossom sitting in our living room for a while and it brought me so much joy. I want to add some greenery (maybe a succulent or two) into our regular decor.

5. The temperature the past two days has been marvelous. Yesterday it only got up to 79 and today it's going to be about the same. We turned the AC off and had the screen door open and we even took a walk yesterday evening. It was phenomenal.


I hope you, my dear lovelies, have a wonderful weekend! May it be relaxing, fun, and just the perfect "pick me up" that you need!



  1. your flower photos are beautiful! it's cooled off a bit here too...enjoy your weekend :)

  2. The hydrangea is lovely. They're so soft and delicate.

    I love the days when we can turn the AC off, open the windows and get a natural breeze. Don't get me wrong, air cond is a Godsend when the heat is extreme, but i like nature better. :)

    Have a wonderful visit with your grandmother.

  3. Whatever you did to your camera to take these awesome shots you need to remember it for the future. :)

    Thanks for joining in this week Cindy!

  4. Ooooh, I hope by now you have ridden the jet ski. I love riding those, but I haven't in SUCH a long time. When I was in high school, my best friend had one, and we liked to ride on it really slow around the edges of the river looking for turtles. HaHa! We've been having beautiful weather here, too! I love these mild temps in the summer!!! So pleasant!

    p.s. hydrangeas are my favorite!!!


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