It was July 2, 2009. Collin and I both had off from work the next day because July 3 was when the government was celebrating the 4th of July holiday. After praise team practice that evening we went down to our friend Alan's house on St. George's Island. Once we got there we decided to go down to the pier and set off some fireworks. We set off a good amount of fireworks and were laughing and having a good old time. Little did I know but Collin had a big surprise up his sleeve. Apparently Collin had been planning and trying to figure out when he was going to propose for a few weeks at this point and I had NO idea. He told me he wouldn't propose until he got offered a full time position with his current company so I wasn't expecting anything in the least. He had been offered the position about a week before but didn't tell me so I would be surprised!
I was talking with my friend Kaitlin while Collin was talking with Alan but he was really waiting for me to stop talking so he could pop the question. However, I just kept on talking and Collin was getting a little concerned that I'd never stop! He was kneeling down on one knee and I looked over and asked him what was up with his foot because "it looked funny" but it was just the way the light was hitting it. Collin then ended up sitting down on both knees because the knee he was on started hurting. Then I realized he was just sitting there and so I asked what he was doing. "Oh, looking for burn marks from previous fireworks we've set off." I didn't think anything of it so I went back to talking to Kaitlin.

Eventually there was a lull in the conversation, and the next thing I know Collin is down on one knee with a ring box in his hand asking me to marry him! I was so surprised that I didn't believe it was really happening. I actually responded, "Seriously?! ... Are you serious?!" To which Collin responded, "That's not the answer I was hoping for". But then I of course exclaimed "YES!" and tried to put the ring on myself but Collin made me stop so he could put it on my finger. =)

After hugging and much squealing the four of us went inside to Alan's family room where, after a few phone calls, the rest of the evening was spent playing a very silly game of Monopoly!
Here are a few of our professional engagement photos taken by Norine Rowe.

Do you have a fun/silly proposal story? I'd love to hear about it!
oh I love your story! I love love! =) my story is that we were in Canada where my hubby is from and he asked me on a bridge, we had never kissed until he put the ring on my finger so it was pretty fun to get engaged! ;)