Friday evening Collin and I drove up to Baltimore to see David Crowder Band in their final concert in the D.C./Baltimore area. In case you haven't heard, David Crowder Band will be ending their 11 year career once they release their new album in January. They are traveling for this one last tour and I HAD to go see them. I've loved them since 2001 after I saw them play at Impact (a senior high youth retreat) in Ocean City, MD. I wasn't always a die hard fan, that happened just in the past few years, but I always have loved their music and I've seen them at least 5 times in concert (that I can think of). It was a very sad day for me when I found out they won't be together anymore but they've given us some absolutely amazing music in these past 11 years and I just know I will enjoy it all for years to come.
The concert was just simply amazing. They had three opening acts, John Mark McMillian, Chris August, and Gungor. All of which were wonderful! I knew a few songs by both John Mark McMillian and Chris August but I'd never heard anything but Gungor and I LOVED them!! David Crowder Band sounded wonderful and they made me laugh, cry, dance, and worship my Lord with unashamed abandon! It was so much fun to be there with Collin and we ended up standing next to a pretty awesome couple whom we enjoyed chatting with between opening acts and sharing random facts about the band/songs. We ended up standing at the edge of the second floor balcony overlooking literally the top of the stage. It was a pretty sweet view and sure beat standing on the ground behind a bunch of tall people struggling to see! During the middle of the song (I believe it was) Foreverandever, Etc. Jack, one of the lead guitarist, stopped the song and told David he had some friends that he wanted to introduce him to. It was so funny! They start bantering back and forth and then Jack tells him his friends are behind him and a couple had been escorted onto the stage by security and they shook hands with David and then Jack starts to say something and then the guy gets down on his knee and proposes. It was quite amazing! Everyone in the audience just broke out into applause and David (and the rest of the band) were standing there in shock and awe. It was pretty awesome to watch. I'd seen youtube videos of couples getting engaged in very public places but never in real life so it was neat! Anyway, once the couple exited the stage they literally started the song where they left off.
They played a good variety of songs from all their albums and they even had a three song "Southern" style tribute. They played
Go Tell it on the Mountain,
Because He Lives and
I Saw the Light/I'll Fly Away. It was so much fun and had me dancing and singing along. Loved it! And I loved that they "ended" (they came back out and did three more songs after) with
How He Loves which was written by John Mark McMillian and he came out on the stage with them and played/sang along. It was SO wonderful! After the concert was over Collin and I had tickets for a Meet & Greet. I thought it would be totally different than it was but it was still great to get their autographs, shake their hands and talk with them for a brief minute. AND I got to hug Bwack!! It was great and his hair is so soft. lol Unfortunately they wouldn't let us take any pictures during the Meet & Greet which was REALLY lame because I was saving my camera's battery for it so I didn't get any video of the concert and a lot less pictures than I would have liked. But oh well. At least I have the autographs and the memories. =)
John Mark McMillian |
Chris August |
Gungor - the cello player beat boxed while playing his cello. AMAZING. |
I zoomed in really close and got a picture of the set list posted at Mark's spot. =) |
David Crowder Band! |
David with Jack in the background |
Bwack and his look alike drummer. They dressed someone up (and gave them a wig) to look like Bwack to play some extra percussion instruments in various songs that Bwack needed more than two hands and two feet to play. |
David Crowder Band with John Mark McMillian, Gungor and Chris August on How He Loves |
Up close of David and John |
What a wonderful evening. My only complaint is that we didn't get home until about 2:30 a.m. and I'm usually in bed by 11 p.m. at the latest on Friday evenings. But it was totally worth it. I loved seeing them in concert one final time! I can't wait until their new album comes out in January!!
That's really cool that you got to see them before they were done completely. And thank you for correcting that typo on my blog! You were right. It was meant to be 50,000 words. haha I doubt I'd ever be able to write that many pages to save my life.