Let the whole world know what he has done.
2 Sing to him; yes, sing his praises.
Tell everyone about his wonderful deeds.
3 Exult in his holy name;
rejoice, you who worship the Lord.
Psalm 105 (NLT)
Today I am grateful for do-overs. I am grateful for the fact that even though I may mess up continually I am always allowed to get up, dust myself off, and try again. God is so very patient with me and I love that. I love that I can never screw up too many times for Him. I love that I am loved unconditionally. And you know, I'm also grateful for the mistakes I make. Because without the mistakes I wouldn't grow and I would never experience the pain of messing up. And that would make it really hard to relate to people because everyone makes mistakes and messes up. It's just part of our nature. Plus, sometimes mistakes create fun moments and laughter. Sometimes mistakes are just what you need to make you realize to slow down and enjoy life. So I'm grateful for the opportunity to make mistakes and begin again.

I love that today's Photography Challenge is "Blooper". It fits right along with today's post. Bloopers happen and they can make for a lot of fun moments and a lot of laughter. Just like mistakes can lead to fun moments and laughter. =) I was taking pictures of Ryan and Devin on ASP because every day they dressed in matching attire and this day they were going as farmers. They grabbed all the props and started posing for me but Devin could not stop laughing. And I must admit, they looked pretty silly and it was pretty awesome!
sounds awesome!! love how happy he looks. Thanks for linking up again!! :)