1. The biggest great thing lately is that Collin and I recently got a puppy! She is a Pekepoo pup that we've named Shelley. She is 4 months old today, actually. It's been a BIG adjustment adding a puppy to our family but she's so sweet that it makes up for the lack of sleep and accidents.

For size comparison... She only weighs 4.6lbs. And Seabass is three times her size!

This picture really shows you her coloring, white with tan spots and tan ears! She looks like a seashell!

Compared to our friend Megan's greyhound. Also, photo credit for this goes to Megan
2. This morning while taking Shelley out to the bathroom before leaving for work, we were coming back inside and she started running for the door so I had to run too. However, I somehow twisted my ankle and ended up with a nasty scrape from the sidewalk on the side of my foot. Oh my goodness it hurts so bad. But my dear, sweet husband cleaned and bandaged me up real good. I love that man!
3. I am counting down the hours until 4:00 this afternoon. That's when our VACATION begins! Oh I am so excited for it. Wanna know where we're going? NO WHERE! Sure it would be nice to go to the beach or the mountains or somewhere fun and exciting, but we decided to stay home and have a staycation to save on money. We have some fun things planned such as going to DC two different days to explore and have fun! I can't wait!!
4. I found an article from the Huffington Post on Facebook this morning. People that don't know me REALLY well may not realize it, but I am an introvert and this describes me practically to a tee. Sure, I'm a bubbly, social person but the first paragraphs of the article explain just how it is than I am an introvert.
5. Our county fair is coming up in a couple weeks and I'm really excited! I'm planning to enter a few photos again this year and Collin is even planning to enter some himself. This is one of the ones he plans to enter. I'm jealous I couldn't take it myself since I was driving, but I did ask him to take it while we were stuck in traffic since I saw the beauty. =)

I hope you guys have a great weekend! I am so, so happy that this weekend is the beginning of vacation! I can't wait to have a nice relaxing 9 days with my husband doing whatever we please! Until the next time I blog, have fun my friends!