We had a GREAT day. Collin and I woke up and exchanged gifts between the two of us and then we opened presents with his parents and sister and nephew who were in town visiting. Then we headed over to my parent's house after breakfast for more presents and lunch. We were so spoiled with gifts. Some highlights for me include a pink, fur-hooded vest, some new books, Little Big Planet 2, an awesome bowl set (yellow and white - some with polka dots and some with stripes), lots of clothes, and nail polish! Some highlights for Collin include frisbee golf discs, a frisbee golf disc bag, Metal Gear Solid HD, and Uncharted 3. And I think the best gift for him was the BT box set. I had mentioned it to my mom around Thanksgiving and she got it for him and he was so surprised and excited!!

Unwrapping the present but he has no idea what it is...

Seeing the BT logo but still not knowing what it is.

Trying to figure it out.

Finally realizing what it is.

Looking at the poster of the album art.

Inspecting the book that came with it.

I think I was more excited about him getting this gift than I was about anything. It was something that I knew he wanted but we couldn't afford and he would never ask for because of its price. So I knew it would be a total surprise and an awesome gift!
Anyway... I also want to share with you some other photos taken on Christmas.

Our mini tree with the presents under it.

The rest of the decorations I put up.

Collin and I sitting on the couch at my parents before opening presents with my sister, Kaity, and her husband, Tim.

Sweet Jake fell asleep after we were all done opening presents.

Collin and I with our buddies at my parent's house.

So yes, as you can see, we had a good Christmas! I hope yours was as delightful and full of family as ours was. And I hope that you made out well in the gifts department. But I hope most of all that you kept in mind the true reason that we got to celebrate. The birth of a sweet little baby who saved the world!