Friday, December 2, 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday

You guys, yesterday was my blog anniversary! I started my little blog one year ago on December 1st! I totally forgot until late last night. =) This has been a great year of blogging. I've so enjoyed meeting lots of people and getting better at photography and sharing lots of joy with you guys this past year! I've had so much fun with my little blog this past year! And I am sure it will continue to be lots of fun. =D

Anyway... I took a break from filling in any blanks during November because of The Gratitude Challenge (you can view those posts by clicking on the button).

But now I'm back to the blanks! Lauren has created them to be about Christmas/winter today! You can play along or see other's posts over at Lauren's blog the little things we do.

Photo courtesy of Lauren

1. The holiday season is so full of excitement and love. It's a time for celebrating the greatest gift of all (Jesus!) and spending time with your family.

2. Snow makes me excited for about 5 minutes. lol I like it at first but if it's put me in a dangerous spot (having to drive in it) or it lasts for more than like a day or so I get really annoyed with it.

3. The best comfort food to eat when it's cold out is soup and chili. Especially delicious cheesy, creamy potato soup!

4. Winter is the best time for finding inside hobbies. It's much too cold during winter (well most of the time anyway) to be outside (I'm such a wimp when it comes to the cold).

5. I can hardly wait for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. I just love them both so much!

6. When it comes to holiday gifts I prefer to give them! I love giving presents. Sure I enjoy getting them too, but it's so much better to give them. I love making someone happy and I love for them to feel special.

7. If I were to rate my excitement about the holiday season on a scale from 1-10, I would say I am at about a 9. Definitely! I am super duper excited! I just wish I had my decorations up. It would intensify the excitment and definitely put me over a 10!

This weekend Collin and I are heading up to PA to visit my best friend Tiff and her husband and son! I'm so looking forward to visiting with them for a couple days. I hate living so far away from them. It's only about a 3 hour drive but with life being so busy for both of us we hardly get to see each other and sometimes chatting is hard to come by.

I hope you have a simply fabulous weekend! Enjoy this first December weekend and may it be filled with things to get you excited for Christmas!


1 comment:

  1. Hope you have a great trip and a fun time with your friends, Cindy! Hope it isn't too cold in PA....if it is, enjoy some cheesy potato soup (that's my fave, too)! :)


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