Saturday after Collin got off work we went to PRAD (Patuxent River Appreciation Day) at the Calvert Marine Museum and had a delightful afternoon! We had delicious cheese steaks for lunch, enjoyed live music, saw lots of great arts and crafts, enjoyed a petting zoo, walked around the museum where we saw the rays and skates, fishies, comb jellies, seahorses, and crabs. And Collin and I played with the rope and practicing our knots at the knot tying board. He taught me how to tie a bowline so that if I ever fall into a hole I can tie off a loop so he can pull me up. lol That's the exact reason he gave me for wanting to teach me to tie that knot. =P
Sunday was a beautiful church service and then we spent the afternoon with my parents and I went "shopping" in my mom's closet and got three new pairs of jeans! Then my mom and I went to Michael's to buy supplies for a wreath and an arrangement. Then the two of us made a pretty flower arrangement in a fake pumpkin for me to put on our porch. It's so pretty! During all of this Collin and my dad were home watching TV and napping. What a life. =)
Yesterday was wonderful because Collin and I were both off work! We organized our hall closet, went to the thrift store, had lunch with friends, watched some TV, relaxed, and did some other miscellaneous work around our apartment and it was great. All in all it was a wonderful weekend!

Dinner of spaghetti and roasted asparagus one evening. So delicious!

An eery sunrise that produced a red glow.

The newest episode of Collin's podcast. So, so funny! Go listen (and download/subscribe) here!

My sweet kids. Stank used to hate the cage but we decided he's been spending lots of time in there lately because it keeps Seabass from attacking him.

Steak, herb and butter rice, and broccoli. I think it was one of the best flavored steaks we've personally ever made.

I hope you, my friends, had a great weekend too! I hope that it was very enjoyable and filled with fun and relaxing! This is a short week since yesterday was a holiday and Friday is my Friday off! Hurray for a three day week! =D
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