Tuesday, January 15, 2013

A Glorious Morning

We have been seeing gorgeous sunrises the past week or so! I LOVE it. It is so nice and such a great start to my day to see such beauty in the morning sky.

"Oh what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day!"
Another beautiful sunrise!
So despite the rain on my drive to work this morning, the sky was simply gorgeous!
*This one, I think, is my favorite!*
Hello rainbow!!
Oh look! It's a double!!! What a morning!
After getting to work yesterday, Collin texted me and asked if I'd seen the rainbow. I immediately went to the back of our building since I didn't see one out of front window and there was a double rainbow! So awesome!
Scattered Horizons

Today we didn't have a beautiful sunrise, mainly because it's been raining since yesterday and will continue to rain through tomorrow. Ick. But oh well, the rain is needed, for sure!

I hope that wherever you may be you get to experience wonderful sunrises each and every day!



  1. O sol sempre rende belas cores e paisagens. Incrível a beleza do arco-íris. Um abraço!

  2. Great editing. I like your orange street scene best - with it's spots of rain.


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