Last Thursday began my weekend since I had Friday off. And it began well because my dear Collin brought me home this beautiful bouquet of flowers! Love him!

I went to Target on Thursday evening and found this dress on clearance. It cost me $12! So I just had to wear it for my errand running on Friday! It was so comfy and cute.

Friday afternoon some dark clouds rolled in. Then they rolled out. Then a BIG thunderstorm rolled in around 6PM and some of the thunder was so loud it shook our apartment! It even produced some hail.

Saturday afternoon we ventured down to St. George's Island, which is a tiny little island in the county, for a friend's congratulations party. This was the view on our drive. I love where we live!

I am so thankful for a hubby that helps with the housework. I don't mind to vacuum but my back started hurting pretty bad so Collin vacuumed the apartment before our friends came over Saturday afternoon.

I shared this photo yesterday but it was such a significant part of my weekend that I wanted to share it again. This is the part of the Chesapeake Bay where Collin was baptized on Sunday!

After the baptism was over we enjoyed an afternoon with our friend Megan at her apartment and then out to dinner at Bob Evan's. This was the view when we walked out of the restaurant. Pure bliss. And a great way to end our weekend!
YAY for (being a part of) good weekends!!!!