1. I am a bit of a hypochondriac. It's silly, but when someone around me is sick I get paranoid thinking I'm going to get sick. Or if I have weird pains or symptoms (that are usually nothing) I freak myself out and make myself feel worse sometimes because I am so afraid I'm getting sick.
2. For the longest time I didn't want to watch How I Met Your Mother because I thought it was raunchy. However, Collin started watching it on Netflix. Every once in a while I would catch bits of an episode and thought it was funny! So I started watching it from the beginning and love it! We're almost done with season 3 (no spoilers, please)!
3. I love taking pictures of my cats and I'm not ashamed of that. For now I am a kitty mom and they are just so cute it's hard to resist pictures of them!
4. As you can see in the photo above, despite the toys we have for Seabass around the apartment, it seems the ones he prefers most are our recycling. He's been going crazy over this yogurt box since yesterday morning.
5. I've been sitting on an exercise ball at work now for 3 months to improve my posture and reduce back pain. Sitting in a chair is REALLY bad for you. But since I started sitting on the ball I've notice a slight improvement in the way my pants have been fitting! Yay for my core being constantly worked!
I hope you guys have a great weekend! May it be filled with fun and relaxation! I'll see you back here next week. I've got a book review and a recipe to share!
I enjoyed your 5 facts Cindy -- love your kitty and the name. So cute!