Friday, February 22, 2013

5 Fact Friday

Happy Friday, my friends! I am so glad the weekend is here. Even though we had Monday off, it still feels like this week has been incredibly long! This weekend is not going to be too terribly relaxing, we've got lots planned, but I think it will be fun and I'm excited for it!

1. I love going to the chiropractor. Mainly for the reason that I rarely have neck pain anymore, unless I sleep funny! I had been dealing with neck aches/head aches for months. And after going for about two months my constant pain was gone! It's been about 4 months and I couldn't be happier!

Waiting at the chiropractor. This has become my favorite thing about Wednesdays! (Not the waiting, the visits in general)
Waiting for my appointment on Wednesday.

2. Instead of giving something up for Lent I decided to read through a 40-day devotion book to get myself closer to God and hopefully form a habit. I succeeded for two days. =/ However, I am not giving up. I picked it back up yesterday and I'm going to finish it, even if it isn't before Easter!

3. I downloaded Photoshop to my computer a few weeks ago. However, I've only opened it once because I'm so intimidated by it.

4. I love my cats to death, however, their constant scratching at the door and meowing starting about 20 or so minutes before the alarm goes off is driving me crazy!


5. Sometimes if I see the neighborhood kittens in the bushes outside I'll put out a can of food for them. I just feel so bad that they don't get yummy food. Seeing kitties outside breaks my heart. However, having kittens on the patio thrills my cats. They sit there and watch and try to "get" them.

The stray neighborhood kittens deserve some yummy food, too! #cats #catsofinstagram

I hope that you have a wonderful weekend, dear ones! I pray that it is fun, relaxing and everything you need it to be!


1 comment:

  1. Great list of fact Cindy -- my outdoor cats are fatter than my indoor cats. Spoiled. :)


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