Thursday, July 28, 2011

While I'm Gone...

Since I'll be gone next week on our ASP mission trip I don't want to leave my little blog all alone! I want you guys to have something to still read while I'm away. So, I've decided that since my Wedding Week posts before our anniversary in April didn't fully happen I would grace you all with posts from our wedding next week. I'll just pre-set the time for them to post and you'll have lots of lovely wedding photos to look at! Here's a run down of the posts.

Monday : Getting Ready
Tuesday : The Ceremony and Formal Portraits
Wendesday : The Reception
Thursday : The Honeymoon
Friday : "Day After" Shoot

I hope you all enjoy the posts next week! I'll be anxious to get back and see all your comments! I'll miss reading the many blogs in my reader but I can guarantee I'll catch up when I get back! In the meantime, I'll be working hard on houses and making them warmer, safer, and drier in Keokee, VA!


1 comment:

  1. Yay! I am so excited to see more of your wedding posts. =) Maybe I should get around to doing my own...


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