The view from our hotel room was a lovely golf course. It was fun to watch people out there chipping away!

I love Hampton Inn beds. They are super comfy.

Our first full day in town we started off the day with mini golf and go-karts!

The waterfall on the golf course was really nice! And it was so windy out that we could feel the spray from the waterfall no matter where we were on the course!

After we were done at the Golf Raceway we headed to the North Carolina Aquarium at Pine Knoll Shores (really close to our hotel). It was an awesome aquarium and I wish I'd gotten more pictures of it.

In this tank they had divers who would talk to you from inside using special microphones in their mouthpieces about the creatures and sharks and what not that were in the water there. This tank was a replica of what a ship wreck would be like in the waters off the coast of North Carolina.

The shark looks like it's coming for Collin's head!

We ate at this pizzeria place called Michaelangelo's and they had New York style pizza. It was HUMONGOUS. But oh so very, very delicious!

On the day we went to explore Havelock we stopped at Sonic for lunch because we don't have one in our area. It was a nice treat. I think we look like we're in a Sonic commercial in this picture. =)

Walking on the path that leads to the beach from our hotel.

While we were at the beach (a total of like 45 minutes) it would go from being extremely dark and looking like it was going to pour to being so bright it would hurt my eyes with my sunglasses on. And the whole time it was ridiculously windy and a bit chilly!

Collin's goal was to dig a hole until water seeped into it.

The water was chilly but surprisingly not as cold as I thought it would be.

We made a trip (or more like 3) to Wal-Mart one day and we bought these sand toys and I decided to build a sandcastle while Collin was digging his hole!

It was a pretty deep hole but he never did find water...

My sister gave us these bracelets as a fun gift to wear on our honeymoon only she didn't realize they were attached. I thought it was cute and I loved that it said "Perfect Pair" on both of them!

Just to show you how much I over pack... The black duffel is Collin's bag. The rest of the bags are mine...with the exception of the white plastic bag on the right that has stuff from our wedding and the brown paper bag above it that has my souvenirs in it.

We had a wonderful time and I can't wait to go back and spend some more time at Atlantic Beach! It's definitely a place I will return to, hopefully many times!
Looks like you guys had a great time! That Golf Raceway place looks like a blast!