Let the whole world know what he has done.
2 Sing to him; yes, sing his praises.
Tell everyone about his wonderful deeds.
3 Exult in his holy name;
rejoice, you who worship the Lord.
Psalm 105 (NLT)
Today I am grateful for the opportunity to spend an afternoon at the park with my husband and our "little sister". We took Collin's parent's dog to the park this afternoon and we had a delightful time! It was so beautiful out today! It was the perfect day to get out and enjoy outside. Faith wasn't too keen on the dog park part of the afternoon, she's afraid of other dogs and all she wanted to do was sniff around and mark her territory. But once we left the dog part she enjoyed being in the sunshine while Collin and I took turns flying our kite. It was a fun time for all! I think Faith especially loved sticking her head out the window of the car feeling the breeze in her fur. =)

How did you spend your Sunday afternoon? I hope it was as beautiful and fun as ours was!
Well, my Sunday Afternoon was spent cleaning and grocery shopping, not as fun as yours!! What FUn pics! Just eat up that time with Collin before you have kiddos, it is so precious. =)